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How to Re-Install cPanel/WHM and DirectAdmin

To Re-Install cPanel:

1. Reformat your VPS (rebuild)

2. You need to ensure that yum is installed. 

3. Run the following commands:

$ cd /home
$ wget http://layer1.cpanel.net/latest
$ sh latest

To Re-Install DirectAdmin:

1. You need to contact us to get your License ID number.

2. Reformat your VPS (rebuild)

4. You need to ensure that gcc, gcc-c++ and make are installed.  If not, run the following commands

$ yum install gcc
$ yum install gcc-c++
$ yum install make

5. Run the following commands:

$ wget http://directadmin.com/setup.sh
$ chmod 755 setup.sh
$ ./setup.sh

This will initiate the DirectAdmin installation, which you will be prompted to enter in details and proceed with installation.

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