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I have a fast internet connection (DSL/cable) - can I just host my own website?

You could, but it's definitely not recommended for a number of reasons.

Firstly, most ISPs have clauses that do not let you use your internet connection for web hosting - doing so would result in the termination of your account.

Secondly, this isn't really practical and would create a number of problems; making sure your system is secure so that no one can hack into it, having your computer on 24/7, and other such problems.

Then there's performance and reliability to consider. Most good web hosts use powerful servers with a lot of RAM and high performance specialised hardware, designed to run 24/7 365 days a year and cope with the high demand hosting creates.
Web hosts also have multiple Internet connections at speeds far higher than what a residential DSL or cable service can provide. Whilst you may receive good download speeds, the upload speed and latency of consumer Internet connections is typically very poor; as they're designed for consuming data, not hosting it.
This would mean your website would load and respond very slowly for anybody viewing it.

Lastly there are all the issues of support. If something goes wrong, it will be your job to fix it - you will not have a professional to correct the problem.

In order to host a website reliably and with fast performance you need specialised hardware running in a secure data centre with multiple commercial links to the Internet.
Given all that and how affordable hosting is, it really doesn't make sense to do try to do it yourself.

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