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How do I know what server I am on?

You can find out what server you are on in three different ways:

1: New Account Information email
The New Account Information email you will have received when you ordered your service will state the server that you are on. If you can't find your New Account Information email, you can view this in your Client Area under the Email History section. It will be one of the first emails you will have receiced from us.

2. cPanel
You can also view the server you are on by logging in to your cPanel account. On the left hand sidebar under the Stats section you'll find the server you are on listed beside "Server Name". You may need to click the expand stats link to see this.

3: A Trace Route
You can do a trace route to your main IP address or any active IP address hosted on your service. Usually the hop before reaching your VPS is the server you are on. We create a PTR (reverse DNS entry) for all of our nodes, so it is easy to identity which server you are on.

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